"Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire." –William Butler Yeats

Monday, July 18, 2011

Reading is Fundamental

Another great program is in dire financial jeopardy due to federal budget cuts. Everyone needs to read today’s article in the Clarion Ledger about Reading is Fundamental, a federal program that is doing wonderful work in the state of Mississippi by putting books in the hands of under-privileged children. School and public libraries are good and all, but there is nothing that can compare to owning your own books. The Reading is Fundamental actually gives books to children and attempts to initiate an atmosphere of scholarship and curiosity within the child's home. When I was a child, I took it for granted that I lived in a home that made reading a priority. I was even a bit loathsome at Christmas when I would get books. But I eventually got to the point where that is what I would ASK for them.

I am continually amazed by the technological prowess of today’s five to ten year olds when it comes to playing a video game, surfing the internet, or sending a text message. However, when you ask them what they like to read, they draw a blank.

I urge you to visit RIF’s website. Be inspired. Donate a couple of dollars. Or at the very least consider giving a couple of books as Christmas presents----your nieces/nephews/grandchildren will thank you eventually; if not now, when they graduate from college.

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